We normally don't post these kinda news updates on this blog. But this one caught our attention as a secret lab hidden from public knowledge. We don't like labs, especially secret ones that do this kinda shit.
September 29th, 2014
via http://325.nostate.net/:
Secret animal testing lab revealed!
- Claim of responsibility -
The company BIOMEDVET RESEARCH GMBH operates an animal testing laboratory at:
29664 Walsrode
Lower Saxony
They are conducting tests on beagles. The laboratory is located at
the spot where the infamous animal testing company HARLAN operated a
lab. HARLAN left Walsrode at the end of 2009. BIOMEDVET has been there
since the beginning of 2010. The animal murder continued, only with
other perpetrators. The laboratory is small but for the animals who are
dying it does not matter. Murder is murder.
The laboratory is totally secluded in a wooded area. It is well
hidden and hardly anyone knows about it. The company has no website.
They probably thought they would go undetected. Even in the animal
rights scene, the lab may be unknown. Unfortunately it was not possible
to liberate the dogs. But we attacked an expensive car on the premises:
Paint stripped and glass etched.
Companies like BIOMEDVET must be pulled from anonymity. Our motto:
Animal killers, you can not hide! We will find you sooner or later!
Our message to the animal rights scene: Make something out of this! The underground has done its part.
Animal testing is murder. We will resist animal testing and all forms of animal exploitation.
No rest for the animal murderers!
Animal Liberation Front
A vegan, straight edge/radically sober anarchist collective for revolutionary information, organizing, and community activism. Located in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, Il
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Milwaukee Protesters Shut Down the Streets After Police Shoot Homeless Black Man 14 Times and Leave Him For Dead
There seems to be a trend developing in communites across the colonized land formly known as the US. When police brutality occurs it seems that people are taking to the streets more than before. Are the people beginning to rise up? Are people beginning to realize their limitless potential when unified against oppression and state-sanctioned murder? We sure hope so! Solidarity to all those communities who are rising up. Stand up, Fight back!
9/24/14 Milwaukee, WI.
A group of radicals, anarchists, socialists, the family of Dontre Hamilton and others who generally hate the police and injustice gathered in downtown Milwaukee to protest the slaughtering of Dontre Hamilton by the MPD.
Dontre Hamilton was a 31 year old schizophrenic black man who was napping in a park in the middle of the day last April when a police officer harassed him and then shot him 14 times to leave him dead. Needless to say, that officer is still on the force.
We took our protest to city hall to demand that the mayor address issues of police violence. Needless to say, "he wasn't there." Around 30 of us then blocked major intersections downtown during rush hour for the next couple of hours, at one point taking an interstate off-ramp and blocking up the interstate. Chanting Dontre Hamilton's name and "civil unrest" at the police officers while blocking traffic seemed to keep the police on their toes a bit as no one was arrested.
The last thing the MPD needs right now is another media spectacle. We'll use that to our advantage to shut down parts of the city.
Mainstream media footage can be found here: http://www.wisn.com/news/group-calling-for-justice-for-dontre-hamilton-r...
End police brutally.
9/24/14 Milwaukee, WI.
A group of radicals, anarchists, socialists, the family of Dontre Hamilton and others who generally hate the police and injustice gathered in downtown Milwaukee to protest the slaughtering of Dontre Hamilton by the MPD.
Dontre Hamilton was a 31 year old schizophrenic black man who was napping in a park in the middle of the day last April when a police officer harassed him and then shot him 14 times to leave him dead. Needless to say, that officer is still on the force.
We took our protest to city hall to demand that the mayor address issues of police violence. Needless to say, "he wasn't there." Around 30 of us then blocked major intersections downtown during rush hour for the next couple of hours, at one point taking an interstate off-ramp and blocking up the interstate. Chanting Dontre Hamilton's name and "civil unrest" at the police officers while blocking traffic seemed to keep the police on their toes a bit as no one was arrested.
The last thing the MPD needs right now is another media spectacle. We'll use that to our advantage to shut down parts of the city.
Mainstream media footage can be found here: http://www.wisn.com/news/group-calling-for-justice-for-dontre-hamilton-r...
End police brutally.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Student walkouts at several Colorado high schools in protest of school board's attempt to whitewash history
What we usually hear the most is how the educational-industrial complex is significant in improving the life of people in the colonized land of amerikkka. What is usually left out of this statement is the aspect of assimilation into the colonial, capitalist culture which provides more financial opportunity to exploit those who have less access to schooling. But it is not a matter of making schooling equal for all. It is more a matter of abolishing the psychological apparatus that normalizes civilized psychosis, alters history and cultivates the capitalist mindset. Simply put, schooling i.e, the educational-industrial complex exists to assimilate, not necessarily "educate".
Borrowed from http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/student-walk-outs-possible-at-pomona-arvada-west-and-ralston-valley-high-schools-tuesday
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. - Hundreds of students poured out of at least five Jefferson County schools on Tuesday to protest what they say is the Jeffco School Board's attempt to whitewash history.
About 200 students walked out of Pomona High School in Arvada at 8:30 a.m. gathering at Wadsworth Boulevard, 7NEWS Reporter Tyler Lopez observed.
"My daughter and her friends at 80th and Wadsworth. Fighting for education. Pomona High School," Robin Reed Johnson posted on the Denver Channel's Facebook page.
Around 9:40 a.m. about 300 students at Arvada West walked out, holding signs and chanting as they marched along the sidewalk and stood along the street.
Students from Arvada, Ralston Valley and Golden High Schools also took part.

The school district proposed creating a curriculum review board that would make sure materials in history class do not "encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law."
That has many students, parents and educators concerned about censorship.
"What we really want is a promise from them that they won't restrict the content that is taught in our classes," said student Eric Temple. "Because we believe that if they restrict that content then we're not going to get the education that we think we should."
"I tend to think I'm a good student. And I get along very well (with everyone)," said Pomona High junior Julia Baskin. "So, they (the teachers) were all very happy that I took my rights and I ... believed in something and I followed through with it."
7NEWS discovered even the school board is at odds with itself over the proposed review.
Board president Ken Witt told 7NEWS on Tuesday, "the students who are walking out are misled." Witt said there is no proposal to change the history curriculum and the walk outs are a result of "a terrible amount of misinformation."
But board member Lesley Dahlkemper disagreed. She said this proposal will lead to a review of the curriculum. She went on to say, "This is too extreme for Jefferson County."
A Facebook page called Arvada West Walk Out said: "The point is to make a statement about being against these changes, so instead of simply leaving the school we will line up along 64th with posters, signs, anything that shows that we are standing up for ourselves and our teachers."
A similar Facebook page was created by students at Chatfield as well, encouraging a walkout. Some students at Lakewood High School, instead of staging a protest, went to Jeffco Schools headquarters on Tuesday morning and met with Jeffco Schools Superintendent Dan McMinimee.
McMinimee has said repeatedly that the school board proposal concerning the curriculum review panel has not been passed, and is not in effect, and some people are just jumping to conclusions.
"I respect the right of our students to express their opinions in a peaceful manner. I do, however, prefer that our students stay in class. I have offered to meet with any students and answer their questions, which is what I did yesterday with the Evergreen High School students and today with Lakewood High students. Other members of my leadership team have also been meeting with students, answering their questions. Our most important priority is to keep our children safe during these demonstrations. It’s also important that our community understand that no decisions have been made regarding the curriculum committee."
The curriculum revision committee was introduced at a school board meeting last week, when the school board also passed a plan that ties teacher compensation to student performance.
On Monday, about 100 Evergreen High School students gathered at JeffCo school's headquarters to protest. On Friday, teachers at Conifer and Standley Lake high schools called in sick to protest.
At 4 p.m. Tuesday, after the school day ended, McMinimee again addressed the protests:
"I want them to feel like the adults around them are supporting them and trying to get to a good resolution here," he said. "I hope, now that they've taken these steps and made their point, that everybody will take a breath and -- let's get back to learning."
According to a spokeswoman for the Jeffco School District -- Colorado's second largest school district -- the board member's proposal to form a panel to review AP U.S. History and elementary health curriculum has been tabled, but will be discussed at the next school board meeting.
The curriculum committee would be a 9-member committee, seated by the school board.
According to the board member's proposal, the committee would make sure that U.S. history materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law. Instructional materials should present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage. Content pertaining to political and social movements in U.S. history should present balanced and factual treatments of the positions."
The panel "would review curricular choices for accuracy and omissions, conformity to Jefferson County academic standards, and to inform the Board of materials that may reasonably be deemed objectionable.
The committee shall regularly review texts and curricula according to priorities that it establishes," according to the Jeffco School board proposal.
The ACLU of Colorado late Tuesday issues a statement in support of the students who walked out.
"State-funded school curriculum should promote academic integrity, not ideological agendas. A committee that polices educational materials for insufficient devotion to patriotism or a lack of respect for authority runs the real danger of substituting propaganda for education. It’s troublesome, especially during a week in which the ACLU and anti-censorship advocates across the country recognize Banned Books Week, that the curriculum review committee would be charged with identifying and referring so-called 'objectionable materials' to the school board. 'Objectionable' is a standard that lends itself to censorship by empowering a small few to judge content based on their own personal or religious beliefs. It’s ironic that an attempt to downplay examples of social change being accomplished through civil disobedience has spurred a community-wide crash course in just how important it is to be able to speak out and question authority in a just and democratic society.”
Borrowed from http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/student-walk-outs-possible-at-pomona-arvada-west-and-ralston-valley-high-schools-tuesday
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. - Hundreds of students poured out of at least five Jefferson County schools on Tuesday to protest what they say is the Jeffco School Board's attempt to whitewash history.
About 200 students walked out of Pomona High School in Arvada at 8:30 a.m. gathering at Wadsworth Boulevard, 7NEWS Reporter Tyler Lopez observed.
"My daughter and her friends at 80th and Wadsworth. Fighting for education. Pomona High School," Robin Reed Johnson posted on the Denver Channel's Facebook page.
Around 9:40 a.m. about 300 students at Arvada West walked out, holding signs and chanting as they marched along the sidewalk and stood along the street.
Students from Arvada, Ralston Valley and Golden High Schools also took part.
At issue is a proposed curriculum review in Jefferson County that could
revise AP U.S. History to promote positive aspects of U.S. history and
heritage, while avoiding material on civil disorder and social strife.
"Our entire history, things that changed America for the better, were
acts of civil disobedience," said Debbie Velarde, a junior at Wheat
Ridge High School which also had a smaller walk out of about 40
students. "The Declaration of Independence was an act of civil
"An idea is to censor U.S. history so they can't talk about some of the
negatives, or they don't want to talk about civil disobedience, which
is censorship," said Arvada West junior Cuttitta. "And censorship's
communism, censorship's national socialism, censorship is terrible."
Hundreds of other students at Arvada, Ralston Valley and Golden high
schools also walked out of school on Tuesday -- the third consecutive
school day that has been disrupted by protests. Students and teachers are upset with recent changes within the school district's leadership.
For the students, the dispute is mostly over an effort to review how classes like Advanced Placement U.S. History are taught.The school district proposed creating a curriculum review board that would make sure materials in history class do not "encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law."
That has many students, parents and educators concerned about censorship.
"What we really want is a promise from them that they won't restrict the content that is taught in our classes," said student Eric Temple. "Because we believe that if they restrict that content then we're not going to get the education that we think we should."
"I tend to think I'm a good student. And I get along very well (with everyone)," said Pomona High junior Julia Baskin. "So, they (the teachers) were all very happy that I took my rights and I ... believed in something and I followed through with it."
7NEWS discovered even the school board is at odds with itself over the proposed review.
Board president Ken Witt told 7NEWS on Tuesday, "the students who are walking out are misled." Witt said there is no proposal to change the history curriculum and the walk outs are a result of "a terrible amount of misinformation."
But board member Lesley Dahlkemper disagreed. She said this proposal will lead to a review of the curriculum. She went on to say, "This is too extreme for Jefferson County."
A Facebook page called Arvada West Walk Out said: "The point is to make a statement about being against these changes, so instead of simply leaving the school we will line up along 64th with posters, signs, anything that shows that we are standing up for ourselves and our teachers."
A similar Facebook page was created by students at Chatfield as well, encouraging a walkout. Some students at Lakewood High School, instead of staging a protest, went to Jeffco Schools headquarters on Tuesday morning and met with Jeffco Schools Superintendent Dan McMinimee.
McMinimee has said repeatedly that the school board proposal concerning the curriculum review panel has not been passed, and is not in effect, and some people are just jumping to conclusions.
"I respect the right of our students to express their opinions in a peaceful manner. I do, however, prefer that our students stay in class. I have offered to meet with any students and answer their questions, which is what I did yesterday with the Evergreen High School students and today with Lakewood High students. Other members of my leadership team have also been meeting with students, answering their questions. Our most important priority is to keep our children safe during these demonstrations. It’s also important that our community understand that no decisions have been made regarding the curriculum committee."
The curriculum revision committee was introduced at a school board meeting last week, when the school board also passed a plan that ties teacher compensation to student performance.
On Monday, about 100 Evergreen High School students gathered at JeffCo school's headquarters to protest. On Friday, teachers at Conifer and Standley Lake high schools called in sick to protest.
At 4 p.m. Tuesday, after the school day ended, McMinimee again addressed the protests:
"I want them to feel like the adults around them are supporting them and trying to get to a good resolution here," he said. "I hope, now that they've taken these steps and made their point, that everybody will take a breath and -- let's get back to learning."
According to a spokeswoman for the Jeffco School District -- Colorado's second largest school district -- the board member's proposal to form a panel to review AP U.S. History and elementary health curriculum has been tabled, but will be discussed at the next school board meeting.
The curriculum committee would be a 9-member committee, seated by the school board.
According to the board member's proposal, the committee would make sure that U.S. history materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law. Instructional materials should present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage. Content pertaining to political and social movements in U.S. history should present balanced and factual treatments of the positions."
The panel "would review curricular choices for accuracy and omissions, conformity to Jefferson County academic standards, and to inform the Board of materials that may reasonably be deemed objectionable.
The committee shall regularly review texts and curricula according to priorities that it establishes," according to the Jeffco School board proposal.
The ACLU of Colorado late Tuesday issues a statement in support of the students who walked out.
"State-funded school curriculum should promote academic integrity, not ideological agendas. A committee that polices educational materials for insufficient devotion to patriotism or a lack of respect for authority runs the real danger of substituting propaganda for education. It’s troublesome, especially during a week in which the ACLU and anti-censorship advocates across the country recognize Banned Books Week, that the curriculum review committee would be charged with identifying and referring so-called 'objectionable materials' to the school board. 'Objectionable' is a standard that lends itself to censorship by empowering a small few to judge content based on their own personal or religious beliefs. It’s ironic that an attempt to downplay examples of social change being accomplished through civil disobedience has spurred a community-wide crash course in just how important it is to be able to speak out and question authority in a just and democratic society.”
Sunday, September 21, 2014
This article was originally found on the Torch Anti-Fascist Network site and we feel that this is an important article for us to share on here which underlines this new fascist trend. As vegans, we strongly recommend this for other anti-speciesist comrades since there is also a growing trend of fascists entering/being welcomed in some animal rights groups. Here is the original link to this article http://torchantifa.org/?p=398
There has been a tendency within far-right, fascist movements over a number of years, starting largely in Europe, coming to the U.S. in recent years and unfortunately making more of an appearance here in Illinois in recent months.This tendency is “National Anarchism.”
The National Anarchist Movement has been largely influenced by Troy Southgate, who was formerly an active member in a number of far-right parties in Europe, including the British National Front, English Nationalist Movement, International Third Position and National Revolutionary Faction.
The ideology of National Anarchism includes elements of traditional anarchist theory and quotes from Bakunin, Proudhon, and even Hakim Bey appear in their writings. They promote small scale communities without a centralized State. However, they have combined anti-Statism with racial separatism where different cultures, “tribes,” or races are not to coexist.
National Anarchists go out of their way to talk about how they’re not fascist, yet have striking similarities to fascist, far right, white supremacist movements:
-Belief that multi-racial societies are “destroying Europe” (Southgate p.130)
-Utilization of anti-semitic narratives such as references to the “Zionist media” (Southgate “Tradition and revolution”p. 125), referring to Jews as “vampiric parasites intent on carving up the world’s resources in an attempt to create a single, global market” (NAM Manifesto)
-Opposing interracial relationships (what they call the “dominant ideology of inbreeding”)
-Organizing on White Power websites like Stormfront.org
Clearly, these positions are incompatible with a radical anarchist movement opposed to racism and white supremacy (regardless of whether they admit to their fascist leanings).
Some might ask why anti-racist anarchists should be concerned with this fringe movement. One answer is because they actively pursue a strategy of “entryism” where they enter existing movements and utilize them for their own ends.
In their own words, entryism is “the name given to the process of entering or infiltrating bona fide organizations, institutions and political parties with the intention of either gaining control of them for our own ends, misdirecting or disrupting them for our own purposes or converting sections of their memberships to our cause.” (Southgate “Tradition and revolution” p. 220)
Here in the U.S., National Anarchists have attended and participated in anarchist events, such as demonstrations and book fairs. With an anti-State position, critique of Capitalism and the fact that they embrace other causes anarchists are invested in (animal rights, environmentalism, opposition to Israeli militarism, etc.) it is likely that they would have an appeal to some anarchists, particularly those who are young or new to radical politics.
In a way, these attempts at engaging with Leftists, anti-authoritarians and anti-racist anarchist scenes make them even more of a threat than groups that make their racist, white supremacist position more apparent. Their attempts to recruit from existing anarchist communities makes it essential that they be confronted and exposed wherever they appear.
In the last several years here in the U.S., there have been attempts by national anarchists to organize in New York (National Anarchist Tribal Alliance-NY), San Francisco (Bay Area National Anarchists) and recently some National Anarchists have appeared here in Illinois.
For example, National Anarchist Brandon Lashbrook played a prominent role in the utterly failed Illinois “White Man March“.
Crimethinc Podcast on anti-fascism, including analysis of National Anarchism: http://www.crimethinc.com/podcast/11/
Troy Southgate “Tradition and Revolution- Collected Writings of Troy Southgate”, “National Anarchism: Trojan Horse for White Nationalism”
There has been a tendency within far-right, fascist movements over a number of years, starting largely in Europe, coming to the U.S. in recent years and unfortunately making more of an appearance here in Illinois in recent months.This tendency is “National Anarchism.”
The National Anarchist Movement has been largely influenced by Troy Southgate, who was formerly an active member in a number of far-right parties in Europe, including the British National Front, English Nationalist Movement, International Third Position and National Revolutionary Faction.
The ideology of National Anarchism includes elements of traditional anarchist theory and quotes from Bakunin, Proudhon, and even Hakim Bey appear in their writings. They promote small scale communities without a centralized State. However, they have combined anti-Statism with racial separatism where different cultures, “tribes,” or races are not to coexist.
National Anarchists go out of their way to talk about how they’re not fascist, yet have striking similarities to fascist, far right, white supremacist movements:
-Belief that multi-racial societies are “destroying Europe” (Southgate p.130)
-Utilization of anti-semitic narratives such as references to the “Zionist media” (Southgate “Tradition and revolution”p. 125), referring to Jews as “vampiric parasites intent on carving up the world’s resources in an attempt to create a single, global market” (NAM Manifesto)
-Opposing interracial relationships (what they call the “dominant ideology of inbreeding”)
-Organizing on White Power websites like Stormfront.org
Clearly, these positions are incompatible with a radical anarchist movement opposed to racism and white supremacy (regardless of whether they admit to their fascist leanings).
Some might ask why anti-racist anarchists should be concerned with this fringe movement. One answer is because they actively pursue a strategy of “entryism” where they enter existing movements and utilize them for their own ends.
In their own words, entryism is “the name given to the process of entering or infiltrating bona fide organizations, institutions and political parties with the intention of either gaining control of them for our own ends, misdirecting or disrupting them for our own purposes or converting sections of their memberships to our cause.” (Southgate “Tradition and revolution” p. 220)
Here in the U.S., National Anarchists have attended and participated in anarchist events, such as demonstrations and book fairs. With an anti-State position, critique of Capitalism and the fact that they embrace other causes anarchists are invested in (animal rights, environmentalism, opposition to Israeli militarism, etc.) it is likely that they would have an appeal to some anarchists, particularly those who are young or new to radical politics.
In a way, these attempts at engaging with Leftists, anti-authoritarians and anti-racist anarchist scenes make them even more of a threat than groups that make their racist, white supremacist position more apparent. Their attempts to recruit from existing anarchist communities makes it essential that they be confronted and exposed wherever they appear.
In the last several years here in the U.S., there have been attempts by national anarchists to organize in New York (National Anarchist Tribal Alliance-NY), San Francisco (Bay Area National Anarchists) and recently some National Anarchists have appeared here in Illinois.
For example, National Anarchist Brandon Lashbrook played a prominent role in the utterly failed Illinois “White Man March“.
Crimethinc Podcast on anti-fascism, including analysis of National Anarchism: http://www.crimethinc.com/podcast/11/
Troy Southgate “Tradition and Revolution- Collected Writings of Troy Southgate”, “National Anarchism: Trojan Horse for White Nationalism”
A National Call to Action: Mass Mobilization in Ferguson October 10th-13th
began as a local call for Justice for Mike Brown has grown into a
nationwide shout for justice. Mike Brown falls in a long line of others
killed as a result of systemic racial bias and violence against black
and brown communities. John Crawford, III, Ezel Ford, Eric Garner, Oscar
Grant, Amadou Diallo, Marilyn Banks and countless others named and
unnamed have been killed through the excessive use of force by law
droves of people, many of them young and black, took to the streets of
Ferguson in resistance and to demand justice for Mike Brown, thousands
of others joined in solidarity around the country. The
interconnectedness of our struggles became clear. Police brutality and
excessive use of force against young people of color, militarized
policing, poverty, economic inequality, and the absence of real
participatory democracy deeply harm our communities from Dayton, OH to
Los Angeles, CA.
uprisings in Ferguson and mobilizations around the country represent a
desire by community members to claim their right to self-determination,
energy to strengthen a movement for racial justice, and end violence
against black and brown communities.
are calling for a convergence in Ferguson, MO from October 10th – 13th
to continue the fight for justice for Mike Brown and to spark the
broader movement for racial justice and sow transformative seeds for
others to carry back home. There is an urgency in this moment to
strengthen the mobilizing, organizing, and resistance happening across
the country to build a movement.
Our Values:
This mobilization is centered around the following key values:
There is a prevailing need to empower individuals and communities with the knowledge and resources they need to transform the world around them.
Constant struggle and vigilance is necessary to protect our rights and achieve the justice that we seek
Our shared oppressions cannot be reduced to the personal; our issues are systemic, so the solutions should be as well:
While racism can manifest itself personally all too often, racism is also institutionalized and structural. The sooner we can see racism as structural, the sooner we can try to break the cycle.
Our current economic system degrades people of color and low-income people — justice must address the economic inequality built into the capitalist system
We believe that movements are based in local struggles; sometimes, like here in Ferguson, our movements find a crack where we must all push together. We are fighting for Justice for Mike Brown, for many others murdered by the police and for people of color as a whole.
What to Expect:
of leaders from around the country will arrive in Ferguson on October
9th – 10th. Hands Up United will hold direct action trainings and
identify leaders for demonstrations planned for October 11th and October
Saturday, October 11th there will be a large mobilization march. We
expect very large numbers for this march and your participation is key
to making this happen.
Oct 12, we will be having faith meetings and final preparations will be
made for distributed actions which will take place on Monday Oct 13th.
On Monday, October 13th we will conduct civil disobedience and major demonstrations at significant targets.
you can’t come for the entire weekend, we hope that you come on
Saturday for the largest Justice for Mike Brown march in Ferguson, MO.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Elgin Really Really Free Market Sept. 20th & 21st.
We are excited to announce we will be hosting our second RRFM Sept 20th & 21st. The first one we did a couple months ago had an overwhelmingly positive response from the community and everyone who came out to see it in action. This second time around we will have plenty of coats, jackets, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, pants etc for the soon to come winter weather. Kitchenware and everything in between will be available as well. Feel free to come out and either help set up or stick around for chats. EVERYTHING is FREE. Just the way it should be. Smash capitalism towards freedom for all!
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Elgin police officer Jason Lentz makes racially-charged post about Michael Brown shooting on Facebook
ELGIN — A Facebook page post apparently created by an Elgin police officer saying the Ferguson, Mo., police officer who shot and killed a young man last month “did society a favor” has left the officer on administrative leave pending an investigation.
That and other potentially racially-charged posts on Officer Jason Lentz’s personal Facebook page are believed to violate the Police Department’s social media guidelines, officials said. Lentz is the first Elgin officer put on administrative leave relating to comments on a social media site, officials said.
Lentz was officially placed on administrative leave Aug. 26 after another Elgin officer brought the posts to command staff’s attention.
The Aug. 15 Facebook post included a link to a Fox News video entitled “Police Released surveillance footage allegedly showing Michael Brown stealing cigars before.” When posting that link, Lentz added “Hmmm … Innocent victim my ass. Did society a favor” according to a screen capture included in the case file and received through a Freedom of Information Act request by The Courier-News.
The first supervisor asked Lentz to remove the post, documents indicate. Instead, Lentz shortened his caption to “Hmmm…” but did not remove the post as he was instructed to, the reports state.
The administrative leave marks the fourth time that Lentz, a 17-year department veteran, has had his police powers stripped as a in an official action, according to information received through the FOIA request.
Lentz has served from one- to three-day suspensions in the past, including a June suspension for previous posts to Facebook and other concerns, according to information provided by the city of Elgin and the Elgin Police Department.
Unlike a suspension, administrative leave removes the officer from work while still collecting a paycheck. Administrative leave allows the department to fully investigate claims, officials said.
The investigation is in line with the department’s social media policy. That policy, states that officers are prohibited from making comments that would discredit the department, the city or themselves, said Deputy Chief of Police Bill Wolf.
“They need to ensure that they have the trust of the public,” Wolf added. The investigation is expected to take a few weeks. Lentz is allowed both a union representative and an attorney to represent him during the process. Determinations following that investigation can include termination of employment. The Aug. 15 post was not the only Facebook post that concerned police command. A police commander, using the Facebook page of another officer, perused Lentz’s page to determine if other posts rose to a level of concern, the file states. Many did.
On Aug. 4, 2013, Lentz wrote a three-paragraph post regarding his thoughts on political correctness.
“In order to maintain some sense of sanity and security I am going to post this warning to all. I do not believe in political correctness. I believe that the state of this nation is due to everyone being overly PC. What happened to having thick skin?” the post begins.
An Aug. 2013 post berated police agencies for canceling a training session focused on Islam.
“… A police training class is cancelled because of protests from a Muslim civil liberties group. The class title ‘Islamic Awareness as a Counter-Terrorist Strategy.’ Hmmm …another way to thwart law enforcement efforts from learning about threats to our cities and nation,” the post states.
Another post in the past year was a photo of a parent letter to a school, indicating that a child would not attend school on Veterans Day until students attend school on Martin Luther King Day. Lentz remarked “Hell Yeah!!! I think next year I’ll keep the kids home.”
In another Ferguson-related post, on Aug. 17, Lentz posted a photo of Missouri Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson standing with a young black man, both of whom are making an “OK” sign with their hands. “He is also in the Chicago Tribune hugging protesters. Just awesome … appears to be the enemy within,” Lentz wrote. According to the Washington Post, the “OK” sign signifies the Kappa Alpha Psi, a black fraternity Johnson was a member of in college.
A total of 11 Facebook posts from the last year were included in the case file.
Previous discipline
Lentz’ previous suspensions — in which he was removed from duty for a set number of days without pay — occurred in 2001, 2012 and June.
In the 2001 incident, Lentz and four other officers were disciplined for disparaging comments made about a supervisor while using the Police Department’s in-car computer system. That led to an three-day suspension for Lentz. Other officers received various suspensions for that incident as well.
In 2012, he was given a one-day suspension for refusing to appear as a witness in court. In that case, Lentz told a supervisor and an assistant Kane County states attorney that as he was set to fly out for vacation the day he was needed in court, he would not attend.
His supervisor at the time assured the State’s Attorney’s office that Lentz would be there, but Lentz did not appear, his discipline files states. Had the defense attorney in that case not stipulated to Lentz’s testimony, the states attorney said in an email, the suspect may not have been convicted for the 2010 rape and beating of a 74-year-old Elgin woman.
Also considered in the 2012 suspension was an inappropriate email Lentz sent via his personal cell phone to the entire Police Department, records state.
Then, in March, Lentz is accused of sending an email on the city system with a message that included profanity, and posting an inappropriate message on his Facebook page “indicating the fabrication of police calls for service,” and participating in a messaging conversation on the city’s squad computers referencing the fabrication of police calls.
Lentz’s file also includes written reprimands for behavior while on duty and other investigations that were later dropped for lack of evidence.
In addition to the suspensions and written reprimands, Lentz’s personnel file also includes 56 letters of appreciation. Those “letters of appreciation” can come from either the public or within the department, Wolf said.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Fund Raising for Repairing Our Printer
The printer we use to print all of our free zines/literature for WARZONE DISTRO is broke and needs to be repaired. We are collecting any voluntary funds and donations towards this to keep this free zine distro up and running. All donations are not only appreciated but those who donate will receive some awesome shit!
Welcome to The Feral Space collective blog page! The point of this blog is to keep folks up to date on events hosted at The Feral Space as well as posting news updates and articles related to the struggle for total human, nonhuman, and earth liberation. More updates on Feral Space events will be posted in the next few days so stick around!
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